Boating & Sailing
Rossport Marina History
The Rossport Harbour Non-Profit Marina Inc. was formed on June 26, 1995. Its mission is to establish, equip, maintain, operate and conduct a marina for the use of the public including any recreational facilities.
Vessels At The Marina
To access real time information regarding vessels that are in port or expected to arrive at the Rossport Marina, click here.
Rossport Harbour Non-Profit Marina Inc. takes no responsibility for the accuracy of navigation information provided on this website and boaters are responsible for any and all information that they use from this site for navigation.
Marina Services
Boaters and sailors have access to the Rossport Marina that is operated by a non-profit corporation and managed by a volunteer Board of Directors dedicated to the provision of marina and tourism services to the boating traffic along the north shore of Lake Superior.
For additional navigation information for the Rossport islands area, please see the Garmin Active Captain map.
For sailors, please see navigation information provided by Great Lakes Sailing. It should be noted that some of the information provided on this site regarding amenities at Rossport is out of date but the navigation information can be helpful to those visiting Rossport by sailboat.